Cogmed Working Memory Training (Pearson Education Incorp.) is a computer-based solution for attention problems caused by poor working memory. It combines neuroscience with innovative computer game design and close professional support to deliver substantial and lasting benefits to the user.
The training consists of a specific set of working memory tasks that are performed on a computer at home, school or the user’s place of choice, where the difficulty level is adjusted according to a highly sensitive and specific algorithm.
The Cogmed training method consists of 25 training sessions done online, each 30-45 minutes. The standard program is five weeks long, with five sessions every week.
Cogmed Working Memory Training is built around three age specific training programs:
- Cogmed JM is for pre-school children-ages 4-6. Cogmed JM requires participation for 10-14 minutes every weekday for five days. The software guides the child through several rotating exercises each day that become more difficult in small steps as the child’s ability to handle those improves.
- Cogmed RM is for children age 7 and up- it requires participation for approximately 30- 45 minutes every weekday for five weeks, Included in the program is an optional racing game, that functions as an immediate reward after each day of training
- Cogmed QM is for adults- it is clinically proven to strengthen and increase the working memory capacity with rigorous and engaging exercises.
Benefits: Cogmed training delivers substantial improvements in working memory capacity which results in better ability to focus, resist distractions and control impulses.
For children, parents reports improvements in:
- Social skills
- Taking initiative
- Remembering instructions
- Completing assignments independently
- Better academic performance, particularly in math and reading comprehension
For adults the results are being able to:
- Plan activities and Complete tasks
- Follow and contribute to complex discussions
- Improved professional performance and attention stamina.